Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide

There’s an updated (January 2025) Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide with just a couple of changes to the included capacity tables on pages 40 and 41. Firstly you’ll see the orientation has changed which makes them easier to read, and then a couple of missing products are added to the first table – the Contact Center SKUs and Sales/Customer Service Premium.

Find this updated Licensing Guide here: https://bit.ly/3ZYoRbz.

Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide

There’s an updated (November 2024) Dynamics 265 Licensing Guide which has updates in three areas.

First of all, Customer Voice is added back on to the price list as a standalone product – find details on page 17.

Secondly, there are some changes to the Business Performance Management Capabilities table on page 22 showing rights for Operations-Activity and Team Members licensed users.

And finally, there are some amendments for Dynamics 365 Contact Center Voice specifying that included Intelligent Voicebot minutes are to be used with a bot authored with Copilot Studio, and that any generative AI capabilities need separate capacity purchased via a Copilot Studio licence.

Find this updated guide here: https://bit.ly/4edEIrY.

Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide

There’s an updated (August 2024) Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide with a couple of changes. Firstly, the prerequisites for Copilot for Sales and Service are updated on pages 34/35, and secondly the included entitlements for Contact Center and Customer Service are amended throughout from per tenant to per user. Other minor changes include some additions to the Finance Capabilities table on page 21 and the removal of the term “seeded capacity” in favour of “included capacity”.

Find this updated guide here: https://bit.ly/3WPKPvP.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center

Microsoft add Dynamics 365 Contact Center to the July 2024 Product Terms.

It’s a new product that adapts the capabilities of the previous Voice and Digital Messaging channel Add-ons for Dynamics 365 Customer Service and makes them available in a standalone product. Infused (of course) with Copilot and using Generative AI, it’s designed as a Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution, and there’s a nice video to give you an idea of what that might look like here: https://youtu.be/UeKSBD7i3RI.

From a licensing perspective, you can buy a standalone solution costing $110 per user per month, or you can buy it with Customer Service Enterprise in a new offering called Customer Service Premium, which costs $195 per user per month.

Find the announcement here: https://bit.ly/3XNMeFh, and pricing information here: https://bit.ly/45N2kB4.