Microsoft Cost Management summary for 2022

The Microsoft Cost Management tools help you to manage your Microsoft cloud costs across Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and Azure. There’s an excellent article giving an overview of the improvements that were made to the tools in 2022, as well as the new ways to save money that were introduced.

You can find the article here:, with its many links to lots of useful resources.

General Availability of Power Pages

Microsoft announce the General Availability of Power Pages at the Ignite conference on 12 October, 2022. Power Pages is the fifth product in the Power Platform family and, in common with the other members of the Power Platform family, is a low-code solution which enables any user to create a secure website, but with advanced capabilities for customisation by professional developers as required.

From a licensing perspective, you license a website for authenticated users and/or anonymous users, either on a subscription basis or on a pay-as-you-go basis. There is tiered pricing available for the subscription licences which starts at $200 for 100 authenticated users per site per month and $75 for 500 anonymous users per site per month, and which will be available to purchase from 1 November, 2022. The PAYG meters accrue charges against an Azure Subscription and cost $4 per authenticated user per site per month and $0.30 per anonymous user per site per month.

You can find the announcement here:, pricing information here:, and a whole host of useful licensing information here:

Windows Server 2022

Microsoft announce that Windows Server 2022 is now in preview. It will be the next release in the Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) and will be generally available later this year. Organisations wanting to try out the new Windows Server 2022 preview can either download it, or try it out on Azure.

Find the announcement, with download links, here: