Azure Local

Microsoft introduce Azure Local for customers to run Azure services on their own infrastructure. It’s enabled by Azure Arc and provides cloud-connected capabilities at a customer’s distributed locations. Think of it as the evolution of Azure Stack and, indeed, Azure Stack HCI has already been renamed to Azure Local.

There’s no change to the pricing or licensing for Azure Stack HCI customers, they’ll just get new Azure Local features as they’re available. At this time Azure Stack Hub and Azure Stack Edge remain, but there are “lower-spec hardware” and “disconnected operations” solutions in preview in Azure Local which will be the Azure Localisation of these Azure Stack components in due course.

Find the announcement here: .

Azure Stack Licensing Guide for Hosters and Service Providers

Microsoft release an Azure Stack Licensing Guide for Hosters and Service Providers which gives a good overview of how partners can provide Azure Stack services through CSP and license Windows Server workloads through SPLA. Find this guide in the Online Services section with the rest of the Microsoft Licensing Guides here:

Azure Stack Customer Licensing Guide

Microsoft release an Azure Stack Licensing Guide for end customers. If you want an overview of how Azure Stack is sold and how you can use existing licences to license workloads on Azure Stack then this document is worth a read.

Find it in the Online Services section with the rest of the Microsoft Licensing Guides here:

Azure Stack

There’s a new (July 2017) Azure Stack Packaging and Pricing 2-page datasheet from Microsoft. It’s well worth a read since it gives an idea of pricing, how billing works, and which existing server licenses can be used with Azure Stack. There are also details on the Azure Stack Plan which is only available through the EA.

Find this datasheet in our Licensing Guides emporium in the Online Services section: