Private Azure Marketplace

Microsoft announce the general availability of the Private Azure Marketplace.

This tenant level feature is built on top of the Azure Marketplace and enables an administrator to add apps from the Azure Marketplace into the Private Azure Marketplace that comply with their organisation’s policies and standards, thus making it easy for users to deploy these pre-approved apps within the organisation. Note that Microsoft apps are automatically added to the Private Azure Marketplace.

Find the announcement here:, and instructions on setting up the Private Azure Marketplace here:

Private Azure Marketplace

Microsoft announce the public preview of the Private Azure Marketplace.

This tenant level feature is built on top of the Azure Marketplace and enables an administrator to add apps from the Azure Marketplace into the Private Azure Marketplace that comply with their organisation’s policies and standards thus making it easy for users to deploy these pre-approved apps within the organisation.

Note that Microsoft apps are automatically added to the Private Azure Marketplace.

Find the announcement here:, and instructions on setting up the Private Azure Marketplace here: