Azure Hybrid Benefit Savings Calculator

The Azure Hybrid Benefit allows customers with Windows Server licences with SA to use those licences in Azure to license a base virtual machine for Windows Server. If you’re interested in knowing the potential savings this benefit can offer, then there’s an Azure Hybrid Benefit Savings Calculator here:

Note that it still works on Processor-based licences so if you’ve got Core licences then divide the number of licences by 16 when you input the number of existing licences with SA.

AHUB and Windows Server Marketplace Images

Changes to the Windows Server Azure Marketplace images means it’s easier to deploy a virtual machine when you want to use the Azure Hybrid Use Benefit (AHUB). Now you don’t have to choose a special image, you just confirm you have Windows Server licences with active SA as part of the process – see the diagram below. And, even better, this is available for all customers, not just EA customers.

Azure Marketplace

The AHUB Datasheet and FAQ documents are updated for this change and you can find them in the Core Infrastructure section of our Licensing Guides emporium:

Azure Hybrid Use Benefit FAQ

There’s a new (April 2017) Azure Hybrid Use Benefit FAQ from Microsoft. It’s a jolly useful document with information on the three ways to use the benefit, the different Marketplace gallery images that are available, and a host of other interesting questions.

Find it in the Core Infrastructure section of our Licensing Guides emporium: