April Fools post 2016 🙂
Microsoft announce a new type of licence which will finally allow concurrent licensing on Office 365 E1, E3, or E5.
The Fixed Unnamed User Licence (FUUL) is available for purchase in fixed amounts of 50 users but then allows ANY 50 users to use the relevant service under the licence. Thus if you’ve got 274 users who need to use the service at the same time then you would need to acquire 6 FUULs.
There are some restrictions on using the service but since the pricing equates to about 1/4 the price of a regular Office 365 USL it could be worth a look for certain types of businesses.
It’s available for a limited period from April 1st and you can read the full announcement and see the list of available features here: http://LS2016AprilFool.