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70-713 Exam Prep Course

SAM MCP 70-713 Exam Prep Course

What course would 100% of attendees recommend to their colleagues? Our new SAM MCP 70-713 exam online prep course, of course! The next session is coming up on 29th June and our special offer continues - buy one place for £65 or two places for £95. Get the full agenda and book your place(s) here: Alternatively book for 24th July if you're busy in June.

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70-713 exam prep

SAM MCP 70-713 Exam Preparation Course Dates

More dates announced for our SAM MCP 70-713 exam preparation course. If you need to take and pass the new SAM MCP, then our online course is the best way to get yourself ready! Join us on 29th June or 24th July at just £65 for one place or £95 for two. Find the full agenda and book your place(s) here:

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SAM MCP 70-713

Well, they passed their 70-713 exam!

Our roving reporter caught up with them to find out what they had to say. From Simona: "Phew! It's actually a more involved exam than I was expecting. I'm glad I had our new preparation materials." and Louise: "Yay! Thank you for all your coaching beforehand Simona!"

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SAM MCP 70-713

NEW! SAM MCP 70-713 Exam Preparation Online Training Course: Reviewers’ Edition

There’s a brand new Software Asset Management MCP exam from Microsoft so naturally there’s a brand new exam prep course from us! Would you like to be part of the Review team for our new online course? The training is around 3 hours (with a break!) and retails for £95, but Reviewers can book 2 places on the course for £65. Ideally Reviewers will have the previous 70-673 accreditation and then we’d like you to participate fully in the online session, provide a short review of the course and, when you take the exam, give some feedback about your experience.…

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