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Get Licensing Ready retirement

We’ve loved Get Licensing Ready since it was launched 20 years ago! It was an exciting day for us when we took over the updates a couple of years later, and it’s been a big part of our working life at Licensing School for decades.

However, over the years, the strange way budgets work at Microsoft have hampered the completeness and up-to-date-ness of all parts of GLR, and now that it hasn’t been updated for 6 months or so, its usefulness is on the wane… And indeed, Microsoft have announced that GLR will be no more from the end of 2024.

If you’re one of the many thousands of people who keep their licensing knowledge up to date using GLR then come and see what we’ve got planned to help fill the gap this awesome resource will leave.

Join us on a webinar to see how licensing training and certifications can continue for free for everyone. It’s a free-to-attend event on Tuesday 10th December at 2pm UK time: